Protect Your Legacy With A Will That Is Tailored To You
You’ve worked hard your whole life to build an estate. Now it’s time to protect your legacy with a will that says exactly what you want it to say. Let us give you the ironclad paperwork you need to ensure your property is distributed to your family as per your wishes. At The Schnaare Law Firm, PC, we’ll help you set down your intentions so that there is no room for error or miscommunication. This can ensure there are no squabbles or misunderstandings down the road.
Your Will Is Not Just About Your Property
What if you are seriously injured in an accident tomorrow? Would your family know how to handle your care? End-of-life decisions can tear a family apart. Leaving a will with clear instructions (called a health care directive) will make it easy for everyone to follow your last wishes, regardless of the circumstances. This takes a tremendous burden off of your family. As attorneys who also practice business law, we are able to advise business owners on estate planning.
Give Your Family Peace Of Heart And Mind
Deciding for yourself the way you’d like your estate handled will give your family peace. Your decision to come to us for a will makes it easier for your loved ones to focus on what’s important – celebrating your life and saying goodbye. Everyone experiences grief in a different way. When you clearly lay out your intent for what is to happen in a time of crisis, or after your death, you spare your loved ones the responsibility of guessing. There are several rather straightforward documents that we can create so that no one is left wondering if they did the right thing.
Let’s Discuss Your Will
The next step is to arrange a meeting with a member of our team. Whether you are looking to create a new will or work through the probate of an estate, we will talk about your situation, offer guidance and discuss which documents make sense. Call 636-789-8599 and let’s get things started. We can also be reached via our online contact form. We help clients in Hillsboro with their Missouri estate planning needs.